+39 335 77 12 327 info@sicilyhomebuy.com


We can assist you in the process of
building or restoring your dream home

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We know how to select and coordinate the most qualified professionals. We know where to find ancient tiles, if needed, or weather-corroded stones that restore a falling façade or contrast with the clean and modern lines of a house with large windows overlooking the sea or the country. We know the genius loci of the South Est of Sicily and we love it: we put at your disposal experience, passion, knowledge. We are passionate accomplices in projects of beauty and joy of life.

Either if you bought a modern house or a old, charming ruined building, you’ll easily need to work on it to make it become exactly fitting your wishes. If you just chose a piece of land with a view to build a new villa, you’ll need to project and to file building permission.

We project with you the works to be done or we assist you in a new project.

We file the permissions request

We ask quotations to the most qualified building companies and professionals (electrician, plumber, blacksmith, stone walls and floors expert etc) and we are at your side in choosing the best solutions

we look after the works on the site and make sure everything is properly executed

Experience Sicily lifestyle